From Poker Player to Celebrity
From reluctant celebrity to full fledged star, the advent of televised poker has chanced the face of the professional poker player. Whereas just a few years ago, poker was of little consequence to the society at large, and its professional players were of at most, a marginalized brand of celebrity, today's poker pros possess a serious share of star power. And poker pros are bowing to the attention, adopting signature styles and personal trademarks both in and out of the pit. With the increased interest in poker stars, poker inspired products have also been popping. Some people have been spotted sporting a t-shirt bearing the acronym W.W.A.D.D. (instead of the usual W.W.J.D. - What would Jesus do?), standing for "What would Annie Duke do," Annie Duke being perhaps the most famous female poker player around. Televised poker has even changed the way people play. Players have been found to take bigger risks in televised games, because it makes for good television. In TV land, what matters isn't so much what moves you make, but rather, how you make them. Charismatic, animated playing has almost become as important as skill itself.
Source: Poker777 Staff
Tuesday, 25 January 2005
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