Poker770: Numerous privileges offered to VIP members
Poker770 has always known how to reward its most regular members. Apart from the fact of offering them attractive programs, the website of online poker also gathered them within the VIP Club. By adhering to this group, the gamers can win superb gifts like high-tech products such as iPods, a collection of crystal candle jar, cars and game consoles, entrance fees for interesting tournaments, whatever live or online, as well as various bonuses available in the store of the website. To be part of the VIP Club of Poker770, its enough to play poker in real mode and participate actively in the tournaments organized by the room, in order to collect points giving access to VIP status such as White, Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Stellar or Elite. The privilege granted by the website varies according to the status of the gamer.
Concerning the mean to adopt to win points, it is compulsory to win during the Sit & Go tournaments and on tables of cash game. Its possible to boost the quantity of points got, by doing the necessary to fill the criteria imposed by Poker770 concerning the offers Boost and Extra Boost. Its with these points that the players will be able to carry out purchases in the store. The conditions concerning the releasing of purchased bonuses are available on Poker770. Let us note that a form is put at the disposal of gamers, allowing them to calculate their VIP points at each beginning of the month.
Source: Jack SMITH
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
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