Poker gain: Supremacy of German players at online poker
The pros of poker know well that at poker, there are times when we win and times when we loose, more than a simple player can imagine. During the season 2013, some players collected millions at online poker, while others have lost so much. The German Niklas Heinecker is undoubtedly the best player of online poker of the past year, in terms of gain. In fact, « ragen70 » ends as leader of the Top 10 classification of the great winners of the year, with a gain of more than $6.3 million. In the second place, we find Ben « Bttech » Tollerene, with an earning of $2.9 million, followed by Alex « IReadYrSoul » Millar (3rd /$2 million), Odd Oddsen (4rd /$1.9 million), Hac « trex313 » Dang (5th/$1.8 million), No Ola (6th/ $1.8 million), FinddaGrind (7th/ $1.7 million), Tight-Man1 (8th/$1.4 million), proudlikeagoat (9th/$1.3 million) and Follow The Hawk (10th/$985,000).
The big loser of the year is the Danish Gus Hansen. His underperformances have cost him a hallucinating debit balance of $8.4 million. In the Top 10 of the losers of the year, we find MalACEsia in the 2nd position with a loss of $3.7 million; followed by Samrostan (3rd / -$3.4 million), Phil « Polarizing » Ivey (4th/ -$2.4 million), Punting-peddler (5th/ -$1.7 million), Ben « Sauce1234 » Sulsky (6th/-$1.4 million), patpatpanda (7th / -$1.3 million), Scott mastrblastr Seiver (8th/- $1.2 million), Rui Cao (9th /-$1million) and Davin77 (10th /-$1million).
Source: Jack SMITH
Thursday, 09 January 2014
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