Electronic poker tables are back - Land based casino
Electronic poker tables are among the technological evolutions emerging from the virtualization of casino games to boost the image of poker. So far, these machines have not reached the desired effect. Many poker lovers tend to play classic poker tables with a human dealer. After years hiding under the shadow of traditional table games with a breathing dealer, electronic poker tables now make a step further to re-conquer poker enthusiasts heart. Recently, Plaza Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas announced that it run an e-poker tournament available for $ 5 of buy-in with a guaranteed prize pool of $ 200. Of course, play is going to be on electronic poker tables.
But it remains to be seen whether it would appeal to poker players since in recent years, electronic tables only hit peoples curiosity. Remember that in 2009, Las Vegas-based Excalibur Casino introduced electronic tables into its facility. Unfortunately, it eventually closed its doors in less than one year later. In France, the Seven Casino of Amnéville equipped its gambling establishment with electronic poker tables in 2011. Its e-poker offers promised to be attractive with 0.5 / 1 or 1 / 2 of buy-in. But moments later, the entry-fee jumped over 5 / 5. However, poker rooms equipped with electronic poker tables might find its way to the success especially with the unprecedented boom of online poker. Indeed, electronic poker tables allow players to indulge themselves in this game without a human dealer, the setting of which is similar to traditional poker tables with colorful graphic icons that represent real playing cards, chips and dealer buttons.
Source: Jack SMITH
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
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